Message from chair
Welcome to the HIV Trainee Association!
HIVTA is a collective of UK medical trainees who wish to improve their knowledge and supplement their educational development in caring for people who live with HIV.
We offer free membership to all UK based medical trainees, whether you are in foundation years, internal medical, GP or specialist training.
We run two free face to face educational workshops a year, usually attached to the BHIVA Spring and Autumn conferences, providing excellent sessions from Consultants, Professors and other health professionals on a wide variety of topics centred around HIV care. Our workshops also encourage networking opportunities with other trainees from across the UK. Our previous workshop recordings are available in our members area.
The association is run by an enthusiastic committee of medical trainees. There are plenty of ideas in the pipeline as to how HIVTA can expand its educational impact, including podcasts and undergraduate essay prizes.
We look forwards to you joining us! Please contact us at to obtain your free membership. If you have ideas about future topics for our workshops, want to collaborate with us, or join our committee, please do get in touch!